Transform Your Health Every Day While On The Go.
A wide variety of workouts easily done from home or on the road.
When you join FIT you will be teamed up with a group health coach to guide and inspire you.
Unique Meal Systems takes the stress out of optimizing your nutritional health.
Guided meditations to help keep your thinking in top shape.
Trying to make changes to your health can be tough. Partly because it requires changes to your routine which for most people can feel etched in stone. But we know how to break the mold. We’ve built a platform that will gamify your journey. All our available programs are based on challenges that last from 15 to 90 days. You can create your own challenges and work at your own pace or join your group’s FIT Partner challenges and link arms with other people who are on the same journey as you! Whichever you decide, you’re FIT Partner will be there to guide, inspire and motivate you across the finish line.
Listen to Kieran’s results and continue reading to find out how the science and structure of this platform is different from anything in the world!
While there are thousands of online physical fitness programs, diet plans and guided meditations, there is not one platform that combines all three using your healthcare professional’s expertise to guide you.
There are two major problems in the health and wellness market with virtual fitness, nutrition, and meditation programs that are available in the world.
They are individual programs and are not on one platform.
None of these programs are driven by and connected to your healthcare practitioner.
Most programs like Peloton, Beach Body, or Headspace only focus on 1 area of health at a time and therefore don’t work together to achieve the best synergistic outcome.
Trying to make changes to your health on your own is tough. Deciding what what food to eat, how to exercise efficiently and specifically for the goals you’ve set for yourself, and how to prepare yourself mentally. It’s a lot!
Imagine you had programs for fitness, nutrition and mindfulness all in one place, conveniently organized into short challenges and then you were guided by a health professional to help you along the way…. and all of this for FREE? Ya it would be amazing, right? And that is exactly what we provide here at FIT Hub.
We understand the daily stresses you have in your life. You pound the pavement all day, and then, without stopping to take a breath, you tackle the seemingly endless list of responsibilities that greet you when you get home. This is especially true when you have young children who need constant care.
Even with kids running around, this program makes it easy for mothers just like Heather to follow!
Now is the time to join the people in four different countries getting ready to use this new platform.
So, if you:
Our platform and methodology is engineered based upon proven research proving the benefits of proper exercise, nutrition, and meditation. Wait till you see how powerful they are when scientifically combined in one easy-to-use platform! Amazing results await you.
Over time stress can push all of us to our biological limits. The negative effects of stress have been well researched and documented. However, what many people don’t realize is that their body and mind adapt and accept unhealthy levels of stress as “normal.” This is called the General Adaptation Syndrome (GAS). Many of us have been living in Phase 2 (coping with high stress) as part of our everyday lives. You cope with this higher level of stress until you have a major life event or you have been in the resistance phase for so long that you finally run out of gas and crash. Increased levels of stress do not have to be your new “normal”. Don’t accept added stress as a way of life.
1. ALARM STAGE: the stressor upsets homeostasis or cellular balance
2. RESISTENCE STAGE: body fights back by adjusting to the stress
3. EXHAUSTION STAGE: rest permits enhance adaptation
This is an easy-to-follow, guided program that provides you with effective tools, processes, and support to ensure your optimal health goals become a reality. This program can help you look and feel better than you have in years!
“I didn’t think I could be so dedicated but was so easy to keep going. I’ve lost over 100 lbs now and still on it” – Kieran
“I am loving the positive changes that I am seeing not only physically but mentally & emotionally too! My fitness is coming back! The encouragement & support I receive keeps me going. No questions go unanswered & there is always someone there that can resonate with your struggles.” – Ellen
Our fitness components are based on the principles of the highly effective high-intensity interval training or HITT…….only with a twist!
Our workouts consist of 5 special exercises for 40 seconds and 5 reps.
Emerging research supports that interval training has benefits for cardiometabolic and brain health in both healthy and clinical populations. This includes those at risk for or diagnosed with chronic diseases and conditions that affect neurological function like:
Parkinson’s Disease
The core Fit 5-40-5 meal plans are based on the eating habits of ‘Grazing’ where we eat smaller portions of food more frequently throughout the day. Consuming your food in this way has many benefits to our physiology and therefore the way our body functions. It helps maintain a higher metabolism making our body more efficient at using energy.
Our systems help overcome ‘weight-loss resistance’ and makes you a FAT BURNING machine! The foods that make up the Fit 5-40-5 Nutrition Plan are specifically chosen to help reduce inflammation in the body which is associated with chronic illness like heart disease, diabetes and cancer. So, while we are aiming to fuel your body so that it can perform at its best, we are also ensuring food consumption that can drastically reduce your risk of suffering from chronic disease.
Fit 5-40-5 Lifestyle Programs pay specific attention to the relationship between your state of mind and your health. In order to achieve your health goals in the program, your mind must be in line with your goals. We have an amazing collection of easy to follow guided meditations and visualizations to help you create the state of mind necessary to reach optimal health and fitness. As a member of our Fit 5-40-5 community you will gain access to all of this and be able to get help from your FIT Partner and community. Take part in the engaging challenges that will help with anxiety, depression, self-esteem, guilt and motivation; all from a natural and holistic perspective.
A research study conducted by Dr. Sara Lazar at Harvard Medical School, showed as little as 8 weeks of meditation resulted in measurable increased thickness of the cerebral cortex and particularly the prefrontal cortex. To put this in perspective, a thinning cerebral cortex is associated with old age, dementia and reduced cognitive ability.
From a young age, I received a different message about promoting and maintaining health than most. As a child of a chiropractor, I grew up understanding that the body is able to take care of itself. I never took an antibiotic as a young child; in fact, my siblings and I never received any medicine unless it was absolutely necessary. Our dad gave us regular chiropractic adjustments as part of our healthy living routine, helping to make us more resilient to our environments. My family didn’t follow a conventional approach to health, but we also didn’t have a strict or extreme lifestyle by any means—we definitely treated ourselves when we felt like it. Still, we rested when we were sick, and our parents helped us keep up on our nutrition. From a young age, we understood that we should employ these methods to help us get well when we were sick, and we should also use them to stay well.
My lessons in health care extended beyond my home life, as well. I visited my dad’s office often and observed every aspect of what it meant to be a chiropractor. I watched him adjust patients, but I also paid attention to his interactions with them: he was kind and compassionate, and in turn, they respected him. Innately, I always knew I wanted to be a chiropractor—it felt natural for me to follow in my dad’s footsteps. I attended chiropractic college, and later, my brother and sister did the same. After college, my siblings took over my dad’s practice in Canada while I stayed in the UK, specifically Scotland, where I started my chiropractic career.
Running a clinic wasn’t always easy. I often felt like I was being pulled from pillar to post, and it only got more intense after my first child came along. Time was at a premium, and unfortunately, diet and exercise went out the window. I stopped looking after myself, and it wasn’t long before I experienced some of the same symptoms my patients had. I couldn’t settle down for sleep at night, and when I did sleep, I slept poorly. I was “tired but wired.” I also gained weight, and that was extremely bothersome because I was typically fit. I felt lethargic, and for the first time ever, albeit mild, I developed irritable bowel issues.
My practice continued to grow, and as I spent more time helping others with their health, my own health took a backseat. I took over another clinic, and I often worked there until nine or ten o’clock at night. Patients continued to show up at that late hour, and I didn’t want to turn anyone away. I relocated the clinic to a larger space to meet the growing demand, and as a result, I continued to work long hours. Then, in my mid-thirties, I decided I couldn’t continue at my current pace—I made changes, hired more people, and lightened my load at the clinic. I was able to give myself more time to prioritize my health. I knew I wanted to live a healthier lifestyle, but I didn’t have a lot of time for exercise; I had to design a program for myself that was efficient, effective, and adaptable.
That’s when I focused my attention on high-intensity interval training (HIIT) and began learning how it influenced the hormones of the body. I also expanded my knowledge of nutrition and started to follow a Paleo diet. I took many factors into consideration, kept an open-mind, and designed a personal program based on my findings. It worked! Then, I had an idea. If this program worked so well for me, it might just work for my patients. After all, they had similar problems. Inspired, I decided to make an offer on an empty space next to the new clinic and began offering the program as an addition to my practice. We could now offer a more well-rounded approach to care, addressing key lifestyle factors to influence and promote health.
I was excited about my new endeavor, so I consulted my siblings, a personal development coach, and one of my associate chiropractors, Ryan to further develop and refine the program. As a group, we had more than fifty years of combined clinical experience to draw from, and we focused on identifying the most common health concerns of our clients and patients. It was no surprise that high blood pressure, arthritis, and obesity topped the list. We also identified the challenges that frequently held people back from achieving their ideal life and health—time, energy, and fluctuating moods were common. To address these concerns, we drew from our experience and the most up-to-date scientific research to create the first FIT 5-40-5 program.
It was only natural that the next move would be to develop an online platform that could easily deliver our core program and others that can fit into the FIT 5-40-5 model. And that is now available for you here at this website and I’m excited to partner with other health professionals and coaches and share the tool to help you grow your health to new heights.
Yours in health,
Dr. Gavin Sinclair, DC
“The FIT Hub platform is excellent and very easy to use”
We know there are thousands of other options for each component of this program. There are many online exercise programs, cooking shows and meditation courses. It can be overwhelming. Where do you even begin? How do you choose what is best for you?
These are all stand alone programs requiring you to adapt your style to their program, and all claim to be best for you without knowing who you are. Lack of guidance and too many choices is one of the main reasons why most people don’t succeed on their own. The FIT 5-40-5 program changes all that. There is an efficiency of time and effort inherently built into this program.
We are looking for those who want well-rounded, well thought out truly natural health and wellness programs for their life. This person may have tried many different types of weight loss programs but never achieved the results they wanted. The person who wants to eat healthier but is just not sure how to start planning out what the best foods are for them. The person who wants to de-stress immediately when they feel their stress level is getting too high and want to quickly change it.
This is not a theoretical process. It works! Listen to some of the people who have used the FIT Hub and were willing to share their results.
“This morning was a major turning point for me. Had a rough night with my 2 year old not sleeping……again, and woke up late and only had 40 minutes before I had to be out the door for work. Normally I would have skipped any morning workout and felt guilty about it. Now on day 9 of my challenge I was motivated to push myself and login to FIT Hub. Twenty minutes later I had a full workout done and was fueled for the day with just enough time to get ready for work. These programs are great and I’m feeling so energized!”
Most of you want to be healthy, but when you are stressed and feel like you are short on time, the last thing you want to do is add a major new effort to your day. It’s natural to look for the shortest, easiest path to your goals. You want a quick fix—; an external solution to an internal problem so you can “deal with it” and just keep doing what you have always done. Unfortunately, the easiest route is usually the most dangerous or costly one in the long run.
Quick solutions appear to be easy only because you have been conditioned to believe in them. For instance, you see commercials for medications every day, so perhaps you believe a pill will conveniently fix your problems with very little effort required. However, the most readily available information, like what you see in advertising, is not necessarily the information you need—at best it’s insufficient, and at worst it’s false. As a result, you don’t truly understand what is required to establish and maintain health.
We believe FIT will work for anyone who is willing to stay with it. Our team uses FIT ourselves and have watched hundreds of others achieve amazing results. Just read the testimonials and watch the videos. All of these people have changed their lives forever.
No problem, you can enroll in FIT for FREE and start whenever you wish. You will be teamed up with a Partner who will be able to help you when you’re ready.
There are two ways to join FIT 5-40-5.
Yes, both we and the online community can help you get the best results from your efforts.
There is no pressure, we are just offering the opportunity to change your life. It’s up to you to decide if you want to join us or not. Plus it won’t cost you anything. It’s win-win-win!
You can stop at any time and start again when you want. Obviously stopping will change the timeline for the results you want. But this program is to be done at your own pace. How we handle your data can be found within our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use details.
We have yet to find a program created by health professionals, guided by health coaches and combines all of the best aspects of exercise, nutrition and mental fitness all-in-one.
No, there are no contracts…. plus it’s FREE to join!
Reach out to the community, there is almost always someone listening.
Yes, you could do all of this yourself. But why invest all of that time and effort when the work has already been done and you can start getting results today?
Yes we have an ever-growing database of workouts, meal plans and meditations that you will be able to mix and match into your challenges. The ability to customize the length and content of each challenge is also what makes FIT 5-40-5 unique.
It is always best to consult with your doctor before beginning any exercise and nutrition program. We are here to help and guide you as to what will work best for you.
An amazing all-in-one wellness platform online. Founded in Scotland in 2019, we started with the FIT 5-40-5 program combining HIIT fitness, nutrition and mindfulness, the platform has evolved to include many top programs all in one place delivered to you in a challenge format. We have programs for all skill levels and customizable challenges all directed by health professionals.
We welcome beginners and encourage them to join and participate in FIT 5-40-5. If it’s your first time, your FIT Partner will look after you to ensure you have a positive experience. We don’t have a “beginner’s class”, but our coaches are happy to help you customize your workouts and diet to suit your level of experience.
HIIT workouts combine short bursts of intense exercise with periods of rest. The workouts often combine aerobic and resistance exercises.
One of the many reasons why HIIT workouts are so popular is because they’re extremely effective for weight loss. When trying to lose weight, you want to burn fat and build lean muscle to continue to burn more fat. HIIT forces your body to use energy from fat as opposed to carbs. This makes losing fat more efficient.
Individual results vary. Depending on your body weight and effort, it is possible for Members to burn 500+ calories per workout. However, HIIT workouts combined with our Paleo or Keto food programs can help raise your resting metabolism so you can burn more calories than normal long after completing your workout.
It’s FREE! You have nothing to lose. Join today!
No problem. Just do what you can. Over time you will improve and be able to do more of the exercises. Also, if you have restrictions or limitations, feel free to consult with your doctor and your coach for modifications and suggestions to adapt the exercise program to better suit your current abilities.
Everyone is different. Some people workout once per week and others are able to workout more frequently. Speak with your coach for personalized recommendations.
We strongly recommend you speak with your doctor about what is appropriate for you. While continuing a reasonable program of physical activity and exercise during/after pregnancy often can be beneficial, some modification to exercise routines and exertion levels may be appropriate. Again, we recommend you discuss what is best for you with your doctor, and make sure your doctor knows what the FIT 5-40-5 workouts and meal plans you’re choosing for your challenges and what they entail.
Yes. Of course. Feel free to skip a workout and take a rest day whenever your body feels like it needs one. Remember, gains are made when the body is resting and repairing. Overtraining can be harmful and reduce progress.
Please feel free to substitute any foods with those from the Core 40 food list.
Everyone is different. For some the workouts will seem perfect. For others, they may seem difficult. Feel free to modify the exercises and do fewer exercises and sets as you deem appropriate. You can always reach out to your coach for advice and recommendations. The whole purpose of FIT 5-40-5 is to allow everyone to participate and achieve positive results without fear of burn-out or injury.